Recycling, packaging and waste

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Black gold in our landfills

Plastic is just solid oil – that’s the striking message from Akinori Ito of Blest Corporation, Japan, which has invented a desktop machine that turns plastic rubbish into useful fuel.

The phone you keep forever

Ever thought how wasteful it is the way people change cell phones all the time, while simultaneously drooling over the latest amazing mobile?

Plastic-free July: Giving up Glad Wrap!

Reader submitted

In the Santé household we quit using Glad Wrap (cling film) a few months ago. We got to the end of our last roll and as we are trying to reduce the amount of waste ...

Fine for greenwashing

A $30,000 fine has been slapped on Pacrite Industries Ltd in the Auckland District Court for making untrue green claims about their ‘Greensac’ and ‘The Green One’ rubbish bags.

Group shows its bottle

A return to the days when children could make pocket money by collecting and recycling bottles is being cited as a realistic way of reducing plastic pollution.

Plastic fantastic

A group of young New Zealanders have kayaked 100km down the Whanganui River on boats made from plastic bottles to raise awareness of the impact plastic has on the environment.