Recycling, packaging and waste

Plastic-free July: Giving up Glad Wrap!Reader submitted

Plastic-free July Giving up Glad Wrap-600x395

In the Santé household we quit using Glad Wrap (cling film) a few months ago. We got to the end of our last roll and as we are trying to reduce the amount of waste our household produces, we decided Glad Wrap was not something we needed. So we haven’t bought another one since!

You know what, I actually thought it was going to be a lot harder to give up than it actually was. Sure, we have had to improvise and find substitutions for it, but it really wasn’t as difficult as initially thought!

So as we are in Plastic-free July, I urge you to cut your Glad Wrap habit (or at least try to reduce it) for the remainder of July (come on, it’s only two weeks!). I’ll give you a few tips along the way, but some to prepare... start using your Tupperware or reuse old takeaway containers for your lunches or snacks at work and to store leftovers in the fridge; and hang on to any zip lock bags from the bulk section of the supermarket. Although these suggestions still involve plastic, at least you’ll be reusing what you already have rather than bringing more plastic into the house. If you try this I would love to hear how you get on and feel free to ask any questions! Also share any tips for giving up Glad Wrap you have with us.

Please visit the Santé website and Facebook page for more information.