Tag: marine and coastal

Whale of a victory!

Anyone who read our story on the effort to save the 200 Bryde’s whales left in New Zealand (issue 5, Aug-Sep13) will be over the moon to hear about this breakthrough – well done Dr Constantine and team! www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11127884

Are Sustainable Coastlines the coolest green Kiwis?

Check out these great pics from the team at Sustainable Coastlines – they're off in Rarotonga at the moment where they've picked up 2200 litres of rubbish from the coastline with help from local school kids. Oh, and amazing musicians Shapeshifter are there too, helping to educate kids about the impact

Our snapper struggles – are rec fishers or the commercial fleets to blame?

There's a massive fight going on at the moment between recreational and commercial fishers about who takes a hit over the poor state of our snapper fishery. The solution seems obvious to me – instead of one side or another taking cuts to their catch limits, they should each take a reduction

Fish forever

Our rich marine ecosystems and the simple pleasure of spending a day out fishing – plus our $1.6 billion fishing industry, and the thousands of jobs it supports – are all put at risk by unsustainable fishing practices. Peter Malcouronne investigates what to do – and how to shop –

New reserves for West Coast

Conservation Minister Nick Smith has approved five new marine reserves for the West Coast of New Zealand.