Climate, energy and science

Protestors scale Europe's tallest building

Greg Roughan - Green Ideas editor

Tags climate change , greenpeace , oil , protest

The Shard on London's skyline

Of all Greenpeace's stunts over the years, this has to be the biggest. On Thursday, six women illegally climbed Europe's tallest building, London's Shard, to highlight the dangers of drilling for oil in the Arctic.

Greenpeace says that global warming has melted alarming amounts of Arctic ice. The ice plays a big role in keeping the planet cool by reflecting sunlight, so drilling for more oil in the area – when burning oil is what's caused much of the problem in the first place – is a crazy move, they reckon.

It looks like they have a pretty good point.

Meanwhile, the six climbers have been released on bail after being arrested on suspicion of aggravated trespass.

What do you think – is Greenpeace right to be highlighting Arctic drilling? And should these three women be prosecuted?