Climate, energy and science

Kiwi wind power innovation goes global

Green Ideas editorial team

Tags wind power , wind turbine

A small Kiwi company has solved one of the biggest problems with generating power from wind and has just presented its technology to the world’s financial elites.

As one of the world’s most exciting cleantech startups, New Zealand’s Gyro Technologies was among just 15 companies invited to pitch to 700 green technology investors at San Francisco’s Cleantech Forum.

Gyro has solved the issue of the gearboxes inside wind turbines getting smashed by sudden, powerful gusts with something it calls Gyroscopic Variable Transmission and is looking for funding to develop the invention.

“Wind power is growing at a phenomenal rate worldwide and it would be nice if a New Zealand invention could be powering wind turbines of the future” says Gyro technical director Jega Jegatheeson.