Climate, energy and science

Have you seen the Google homepage today?

Greg Roughan - Green Ideas editor

Tags Earth Day , Google

Earth Day is a global day for voicing your care and concerns for the planet

Did anyone see the cute graphic – or Google Doodle as they're known – on the Google homepage today (22 April 2013)? If you click the image you're taken through to the website for Earth Day 2013: 

Earth Day is a global day for voicing your care and concerns for the planet and the organisation says more than a billion people will take part this year. They put it nicely on their website:

"From Beijing to Cairo, Melbourne to London, Rio to Johannesburg, New Delhi to New York, communities everywhere will voice their concerns for the planet, and take action to protect it. We’ll harness that power to show the world The Face of Climate Change. And we’ll call on our leaders to act boldly together, as we have, in this pivotal year."

Crikey – a billion people caring about climate change is a heck of a lot. And with the power of Google adding visibility to the cause, it makes me think that the climate change issue has cut through to the mainstream.

What do you think? Is climate change now something that everyone's thinking about? Or still just a cartoon image on a website that we think about for 20 seconds?