Climate, energy and science

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A truly green solar panel

Don’t spray and walk away – that moss on your driveway could soon be the ultimate clean, green power source.

Lights go out when no-one's around

We’re often reminded to save power by switching off lights as we leave the room, but the Dutch city of Eindhoven has gone a step further by putting parts of its lighting network on sensor ...

Giant mirrors power 140,000 homes

One of the largest solar power plants in the world has been unveiled and is providing enough eco-friendly electricity to power 140,000 homes.

Shower like an astronaut

In space, nobody can hear you scream when the shower runs cold. And in space, nobody can take endless warm showers, because astronauts have such limited supplies.

Kiwi invents glow-in-the-dark path

No more expensive street lights churning through electricity – that’s the appeal to councils of a new Kiwi-designed glowing path. Whereas the appeal to drunk people walking home at 3am is feeling like they’re in ...

Endless clean electricity

It’s going to be 10 times hotter than the sun, will cost $21 billion and it’s being built in France right now.

Strawberries in winter

One swallow does not a summer make, they say, and one strawberry doesn’t equal global warming – though I did scratch my head when the plants at the front of my house produced fruit on ...

Update: Leaving Kyoto

In 2012 the New Zealand government chose to opt out of the second obligation period of the Kyoto Protocol.